Linné-föreläsning: Reflected in Water – Development, Resilience, Inequalities

13 februari 13:30-16:30 Geocentrum, Hambergsalen, Uppsala universitet

This lecture will address the role that social discounting applied to public policies acquires when concerned with the preservation of the natural capital in the fluvial landscape. This demands compelling quantitative assessments. Key to that end is our capability to predict the fate of water controls on living communities stemming from the recognition that the universality of form shown by the fluvial landscape affects decisively the predictability of their function as ecological corridors.

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Datum: 13 februari 2025, kl. 13.30–16.30
Plats: Geocentrum, Hambergsalen
Föreläsare: Andrea Rinaldo, EPFL och Università di Padova
Arrangör: Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten
Kontaktperson: Karin Thellenberg
Telefon: 018-4714947

Föreläsningen ges på engelska.